Builtin Types

Bitsy includes the following built-in types:


A Word[n] is an n-bit number. It is nominally interpreted to be unsigned. However, operators and functions may re-interpret it as a signed number or as a bitvector.

Vec[T, n]

A Vec[T, n] is an n-element vector of elements of a type S.

It’s values are written as [v1, v2, ..., vn]. For example, [1, 2, 3] is a value for Vec[Word[8], 3].


A Valid[T] is a type for values which may or may not be valid.

If you have an expression t of type T, you can construct a Valid[T] with @Valid(t). You can use @Invalid to construct a Valid[T] with no value.

You can use match expressions to get access to the payload inside Valid[T]:

mod Top {
    incoming in  of Valid[Word[8]];
    outgoing out of Word[8];

    match in {
        @Valid(t) => t;
        @Invalid  => 0;