
Expressions represent combinational logic.


To represent integers of arbitrary bitwdith, we annotate constants with their bitwidth. The literal 42w16 is a 16-bit integer with the value 42.

We may also elide the width in any context where the type can be inferred. For example, if we define a register:

reg counter of Word[4] reset 0;

The reset value, 0 is inferred to have type Word[4], and is the same as if we had written 0w4.


You may reference ports, registers, and nodes, accessing their current value.

References must be visible to the moduel they appear in. That means they may be:

  • the name of a node, reg, or incoming in the same module

  • the name of a submodule dotted with a node or outgoing of that submodule.

  • the name of an external module dotted with one of its outgoing ports.

When using a register in this way, it references the current value of the register, regardless of whatever the latching wire (<=) is going to do next cycle.


Some basic operations are supported:

  • || or

  • && and

  • ! not

  • ^ xor

  • == equals

  • != different

  • < less than

  • + sum (wrapping)

  • +% sum (carrying)

  • - difference (wrapping)

Concatenation, Indexing, and Slicing

You can concatenate words with the syntax cat(w1, w2). If w1 is Word[n] and w2 is Word[m], the result is Word[n + m]. The bits of w1 become the high-order bits and w2 become the lower bits.

You can index into a Word[n] with the syntax w[0]. Note that we use a plain old literal and not 0w8 here. This creates a static indexing of the word. It has type Word[1].

You can also slice a word with the syntax w[8..4]. This will give you a Word[4] with the same result as if you had written cat(w[7], w[6], w[5], w[4]). Pay attention! This might surprise you coming from Verilog, since w[8] is not included in the result. However, experience from programming languages such as Python and Rust shows that this is a very natural way to handle slicing (albeit the ordering is reversed to align with the way we write out bitstrings).

mux and if expressions

mux is used to create a simple multiplexer. The syntax is mux(s, a, b), and evaluates to a when s is asserted and b when s is asserted.

if expressions be used to create mux trees with more than one condition. All if expressions must have an else branch.

let statements

let statements allow you to name subexpressions.

An example is let x = foo + bar; x + 1. This defines a new variable x with the value foo + bar. This value is only in scope for the remainder of the expression.

match statements

match statements allow you to select an expression based on a result. Think of it like a fancy if statement that works well with enum types and alt types.

Each match statement has a subject, which is used to determine which match arm is used.

node typ of InstrType;
typ := match opcode {
    @OP => InstrType::R;
    @OP_IMM => InstrType::I;
    @LOAD => InstrType::I;
    @STORE => InstrType::S;
    @JAL => InstrType::J;
    @BRANCH => InstrType::B;
    @LUI => InstrType::U;
    @AUIPC => InstrType::U;
    @JALR => InstrType::I;

sext and zext

You can extend a word to a larger word by using sext (sign-extend) and zext (zero-extend). The width of the result is automatically inferred from context. You cannot use sext on a Word[0].

word and trycast

Given an enum type, you can cast it to its underlying numeric value using the word builtin. For example, given the enum type:

enum type OpFunct7 {
    ADD  = 0b0000000w7;
    SUB  = 0b0100000w7;

The expression word(OpFunct7::ADD) evaluates to 0b0000000w7 and word(OpFunct7::SUB) evaluates to 0b0100000w7.

You can’t cast from a word back to an enum, since the value may not be a valid value in that enum type. However, you can use trycast to get a Valid for that type.

In other words, trycast(0b0000000w7) evaluates to @Valid(OpFunct7::ADD), while trycast(0b1111111w7) evaluates to @Invalid.

User-defined functions

You can define your own functions in Bitsy:

fn inc(x of Word[8]) -> Word[8] {
    x + 1

You can then use these functions in expressions:

pub mod Top {
    reg counter of Word[8] reset 0;
    counter <= inc(counter);


A hole is an undefined expression. They are handy for when you want to get an unfinished program to typecheck.

We write holes as ? for an unnamed hole or ?foo for a hole with a name (here, foo).

A circuit with a hole is unfinished. However, a hole-aware evaluator may still be able to simulate in their presence.